Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Bali Island

Bali is an early Prehistory of Balinese history, roommates is marked by the lives of the people at that time was not familiar with writing. Although in prehistoric times has been known to write a history of his life writing , but a variety of evidence about life in the society at that time can also recounts Age prehistoric place in a fairly long period of time , then the evidence that has been found up to now is certainly not Able to meet all our expectations .
Thanks to the diligent and skilled foreign experts especially from the Dutch and Indonesian sons of the prehistoric development in Bali is getting brighter. Attention to kekunaan in Bali first given by a naturalist named Georg Eberhard Rumpf, published in 1705 in his book Amboinsche Reteitkamer. As a pioneer in archaeological research in Bali is WOJ Nieuwenkamp who visited Bali in 1906 as a painter. He's on a journey exploring Bali. And provide the following notes about nekara Pejeng, Trunyan, and Pura Bukit Writing. Attention to this Pejeng nekara Followed by KC Crucq 1932 that managed to find a three - part mold in Pura Desa nekara Pejeng Manuaba, Tegallantang.
Bali Island
Bali Island or also known as the island’s extraordinary beauty charm also cultural richness that is very thick attached to its population. No wonder that Bali is very famous in the world, and a lot of foreign tourists who visit it. To almost every tourist attraction in Bali is always filled with foreign tourists. Many local tourists also very interested in the beauty of this island.
Places of Interest in Bali Beautiful, Popular, Attractive - Travelling to the island of Bali is very nice and the island of Bali or also called the island of the gods is already well known to foreign countries. Many foreign tourists who come to visit the island of Bali for a tour and see the beautiful natural scenery. Not only that, but the art and culture of the island of Bali are also the main attraction nautical tourists who are visiting.
A lot of tourist attractions in Bali are attractive to visit, and every tourist spot in Bali has its own uniqueness and beauty. I previously had never given list of tourist attractions Bali and now I want to share some choice Bali fascinating sights and much visited by tourists from abroad or archipelago with a little description of Bali's tourist attractions.
Balinese profession
Island communities, in addition to community living as artists continue to produce paintings or sculptures then appreciated through exhibition, there is also a daily producing handicraft for souvenirs like batik fabrics, casual pakian bambuatau craft wood and other types. As a guide also there and finish the job with some farming practices. They regularly hold discussions about agricultural cultivation guided by the local government. For the last Balinese irrigation system have long passed their ancestors fished in handling problems. This system is called the Subak. I.e. a system of irrigation is done by regulating the flow of a small stream as running water, leading from a higher place to a lower place so that the system - the level of the multilevel persawahannya set. The following property of water systems that water will always flow continues to place more renadah. Do not be surprised if we see a view of the island that would be encountered terraced rice fields.
Religious Ritual activities

People's lives with a strong Balinese culture kereligiusannya, therefore on certain days they solemnly undertake activities persembayangan. At the time of the persembayangan very inviting attention of the tourists who visit, to witness their religious Ceremonies. In the ceremony was always marked by a marching procession carrying offerings for offerings to the Widi. Throughout the procession, the Balinese people old, young, men and women busy to carry out their religious rituals in places persembayangan, the Bali called Pura (read pure) roommates is a place with buildings typical of Hindu Balinese Hindus to perembayangan, in view of the Muslims call it a mosque or surau.
In the middle of the swift currents of modernization in roommates the influence of western culture continues to threaten local cultures in the virtual cyber- digital network is widespread in the community in the intensity of the infinite, the Balinese Hindus still hold their cultural rituals without being influenced by Flattery and persuasion of the Emergence of modern culture with a myriad kegalmoran life wrapped in a blanket Popular Culture is constantly threatened. Due to the growing strength of the ideology of culture, the people of Bali are still consistent with the viscosity to hold the word for culture, although globalization is bringing tourists from various countries with cultures that continue to haunt the people of Bali culture power trip, but it's rich cultural ritual, still maintained its integrity and be Able to stand up to powerful.
For those of you who will be traveling to Bali tourist roommates is known as the island of gods that exist in the country of Indonesia will be very enjoyable if you know ahead of time what you will visit in the island of Bali, so you can tour to enjoy the beautiful natural scenery and you can also see the art culture in the island of Bali, Bali island so very much that can be an attraction to the pillar that want to enjoy the holiday.

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